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自民党、公明党に加え、彼らの補完勢力である、維新、国民、参政党などにも騙されてはなりません。 頼りないですが立憲、共産、社民、れいわ新選組の候補者の中から選びましょう。



Pope Benedict XVI launches swift sainthood process for John Paul II という記事に目が向いた。

マザー・テレサと共に20世紀から21世紀にかけて多大な功績を残した人物なのだから、福者⇒聖人 の流れは当然だろう。 でも、現教皇には親しみが湧かないし、第二次大戦時代の暗雲も残っているようだし、信者が減少するであろうという一般的な予測に対しての防衛策なのかもしれない。


VATICAN CITY (AFP) - Pope Benedict XVI launched the process to beatify his predecessor John Paul II, heeding widespread calls to drastically shorten the procedure toward sainthood.
The proces was opened less than two months after the death of the Polish-born pontiff, although the rules of the Roman Catholic Church dictate that normally five years must pass before the issue of sainthood is raised to allow a cooler assessment of the subject's life.
"The cause for the beatification of John Paul II is open," the newly-elected pontiff said Friday during a meeting with clergymen at Rome's Basilica of Saint John in Lateran.
The case will be examined by the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, said a letter in Latin by the pope read out by the congregation's chief, Cardinal Jose Saraiva Martins.
John Paul II died April 2 aged 84, sparking widespread calls for him to be quickly declared a saint.
Tens of thousands of mourners, gathered in Saint Peter's Square for John Paul II's funeral, chanted "Santo Subito!" (Sainthood now!) interrupting the solemn mass.
Even top prelates have pushed for a speedy process.
On Wednesday, Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos said John Paul II should be beatified on May 18, what would have been his 85th birthday.
"There's no lack of miracles, he performed many while he was still alive," said Hoyos, the Vatican official in charge of the clergy worldwide.
To achieve beatification the Vatican has to ascertain that a person was reponsible for a miracle before or after his death.
Two notable "miracle cures" of sick people have already been linked to the deceased pope. John Paul II's personal secretary, Archbishop Stanislaw Dziwisz in 2002 said an American suffering from a brain tumor was cured after receiving communion from the pope.
A Mexican teen, Heron Badillo, has said the late pope cured his leukemia after dozens of doctors had abandoned hope, while a nun in Colombia has said the pontiff cured her of an illness that affected her balance.
Even Italian Cardinal Francesco Marchisano, in his homily during one of the commemorative masses of John Paul II, hinted that he had been cured of a throat illness by the late pope.
To become a full saint, miracles must also be attributed to someone after their death as a sign that they have interceded with God.
Benedict XVI, who is the only person who can decide if a person is beatified, served as John Paul II's close aide for nearly 25 years before being elected to succeed him on April 19.
During his homily for John Paul II's funeral, then-cardinal Joseph Ratzinger said the late pope was "standing today at the window of the Father's house."
"He sees us and blesses us," the soon-to-be pope said, drawing a massive applause from the hundreds of thousands gathered around St. Peter's for the funeral.
John Paul II's secretary of state, Cardinal Angelo Sodano, said he had died with "the serenity of saints," calling him "John Paul the Great."
Pope John Paul, whose 26-year rule was the third-longest in history, made more saints than all of his 263 predecessors put together. Under his rule, 1,338 people were beatified, and 482 were elevated to sainthood.
The late pontiff also streamlined the procedure: while in the past canonization could take up to several centuries, John Paul II oversaw the swift beatification of Mother Theresa of Calcutta six years after her death, and controversially made Opus Dei founder Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer, who died in 1975, a saint in 2002.

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