

*自戒を込めて-> テレビ(大手メディアを含め)はバカ箱ウソ箱ニュースやワイドショーからは嘘を植えつけられるし、思考痴呆にもなります。


「公共放送」と名乗っているNHKや態勢迎合の低俗局(フジサンケイや読売)、大手新聞社(朝日・毎日)等は時の政府になびくような番組や紙面作りをし国民を騙し洗脳しているのです。 「ゴミ箱」同様の「マスゴミ」情報は信用に値するものであるか、自分の頭で判断したいものです。

*ネットニュースにも、偏狭(偏狂)新聞社やテレビ局のものが掲載されています。 やみくもに信用しない、鵜呑みにしないことが大事ですね。



*2012年6月、ブログ「続・黒姫高原はんぐろ日記」を開設し、自宅サーバで運用してきたブログ「黒姫高原・はんぐろ日記」の記事等をこちらへ移行しました。 2012年5月以前の記事に載せた写真等はおいおい移行しようと思っていますが、当面ブランクのままの表示となっています。 また従前から開いていたホームページ「黒姫高原・コム」は2015年1月に閉鎖しました。

*過去に所有したドメイン名 kurohimekogen.com, kurohime.com, kurohime.info は順次放棄し、当ブログへの転送設定も停止しております。

*新聞の切り抜き等で拡大表示しても文字の判読が難しい時があります。 そのような場合は、切り抜き画像をパソコンにダウンロードしてから表示されると読みやすくなります。




25年デフレが続いている日本で、自公政権は国民の生活を一顧だにせず、消費税に見られるように搾取を続けています。 彼らは与党政治屋や大手企業経営者の栄華が維持されれば良いと思っているのです。 一般市民が現状をよく見定めて、我々の生活の底上げを真面目にしてくれる政治家を選ぶ必要があります。
自民党、公明党に加え、彼らの補完勢力である、維新、国民、参政党などにも騙されてはなりません。 頼りないですが立憲、共産、社民、れいわ新選組の候補者の中から選びましょう。



 アマゾンに注文を出していたCDがやっと届いた。 CDタイトルの一つが、THE NEW FRONTIERS sing THE KINGSTON TRIOである。
 キングストン・トリオは、1957年にサンフランシスコに近いパロ・アルトで結成されたフォーク・グループであるが、パロ・アルトといえば、スティーブ・ジョブススティーブ・ウォズニアックの、二人のスティーブがガレージで始めた、8ビットCPU6502を内蔵したマイクロコンピュータAppleII製作の発祥地であることが思い出される。 それが今や、パロ・アルトの町はハイテクの町になり、アップルコンピュータはiPodやMacを生産販売するAppleという大企業になったのである。

 その数年後の日本で、1962年、ギターに魅せられた中学生が謝恩会のステージに立った。 それからしばらく彼等はグループを結成し学業と演奏を両立させながら、米軍のクラブなどで演奏を重ねたが、演奏のお手本は常にキングストン・トリオであった由。 大学卒業とともにグループを解散したが、それからの紆余曲折は、このアルバムの中身をご覧いただきたい。


 彼等はそれぞれの活動をしながらも再結成、解散を繰り返すのだが、本年3月にリユニオン・ライブを催したと、このCD製作につながったようだ。 回りくどくなったが、このメンバーの一人が森田玄さんである。
 そう、ニューヨークの9.11事件の疑惑究明に立ち上がり平和な世界を希求すべく活動をされている、きくちゆみさんのご主人なのである。 そんな経緯でこのCDを購入したのだが、聞いていて40数年前の青二才であった自分に出会えるようで、非常に懐かしいアルバムである。 森田さんは、大学院に在学しアメリカ留学まで決まっていたのに、その時点で全てを捨て演奏活動に入った由。 普通のサラリーマン生活に入った自分とは大違いで、その熱情に感服した。

 さて、彼らがお手本にしたというキングストン・トリオがどんなグループがユーチューブ映像を探してみた。 次のは、M.T.A.という曲。

kingston trio


今日の暦から : 食欲落ちたら体調に異変が

1. Tom dooley

Frank Warner/John Lomax/Alan Lomax

(Spoken recitation over musical accompaniment)
Throughout history, there have been many songs written about the eternal triangle. This next one tells the story of Mister Grayson, a beautiful woman, and a condemned man named Tom Dooley. When the sun rises tomorrow, Tom Dooley must hang.

Hang down your head, Tom Dooley. Hang down your head and cry.
Hang down your head, Tom Dooley. Poor boy, you're bound to die.

I met her on the mountain. There I took her life. Met her on the mountain. Stabbed her with my knife.


This time tomorrow. Reckon where I'll be. Hadn't been for Grayson, out in Tennese


This time tomorrow. Reckon where I'll be. Hadn't-a been for Grayson, I'd-a been in Tennessee.


This time tomorrow. Reckon where I'll be. Down in some lonesome valley hangin' from a white oak tree.


2. Hard, Ain't It Hard

Woody Guthrie

Well, it's hard. Ain't it hard? Ain't it hard (oh, yes) to love one who never
did love you.
Well, it's hard. Ain't it hard? Ain't it hard, great God, to love one who never
will be true?

Well, there is a house in this old town. That's where my true love lays around.
She sits down upon another's knee (do tell) and tells him what she never will
tell me.


The first time I seen my true love she was a-standin' by my door,
And the last time I seen her false-hearted smile, she was dead on that bar room
floor! (Poor girl!)


Well, who's gonna kiss your ruby lips? (Not you, sweetie!) Who's gonna hold
your little hand? (Hand?)
Who's gonna do, well, you know what, when I'm down in that promised land? (I


Well, don't go drinkin' and gamblin'. Don't go there your sorrows for to drown.
This hard liquor place is a low-down disgrace. It's the meanest damn place in
this town!


3. Pullin' Away

Nick Reynolds/Bob Shane/John Stewart

Pullin' away, he's pullin away. Now his wagons are loaded, he's pullin' away.

Hard luck is the fortune of all woman kind. They're always controlled. They're always confined.
Controlled by their parents until they are wives. Then slaves of their husbands the rest of their lives.

I once knew a girl and her story was sad. She always was courted by the wagoner lad.
He courted her truly by night and by day. Now his wagons are loaded. He's pullin' away.


Your parents don't like me. They say I'm too poor. They say I'm not worthy to enter your door.
Hard livin's my pleasure. My money's my own and if they don't like me, they can leave me alone.

Long is the road. Dark is the sky. Look over your shoulder. He's wavin' goodbye.

My wagon is loaded. My whip needs a mend. So sit down here by me for as long as you can.
My wagons are loaded. My whip's in my hand. So, fare thee well, darlin', I'm leavin' this land.


4. The New Frontier

John Stewart

Some to the rivers and some to the sea. Some to the soil that our fathers made free.
Then on to the stars in the heav'ns for to see. This is the new frontier. This is the new frontier.

Let the word go forth from this day on. A new generation has been born.
Born to the task to keep us free, but proud of the rights of the home country.
This is the new frontier. This is the new frontier.


Let us begin for it shall take long. Let ev'ry man sing out freedom's song.
Not for ourselves that we take this stand. Now it's the world and the freedom of man.
This is the new frontier. This is the new frontier.

The day will come. It's got to be. The day that we may never see.
When man for man and town for town must bring the peace that shall resound.
This is the new frontier. This is the new frontier.


5. Chilly Winds

John Phillips/John Stewart

I'm goin' where them chilly winds don't blow. Gonna find a true love. That is where I want to go.
Out where them chilly winds don't blow.

Sing me a song, sing it soft and low. Sing it for your baby and then I'll have to go. Out where them chilly winds don't blow

Wish I was a headlight on a west bound train. I would shine my light on cool Colorado range
Out where them chilly winds don't blow.

If you're feelin' lonely, if you're feelin' low. Remember that I loved you more than you will ever know.
Goin' where them chilly winds don't blow.


I'm leavin' in the springtime, won't be back till fall. If I can forget you, I might not come back at all.
Out where them chilly winds don't blow. (Repeat twice)

6. Hard Travelin'

Woody Guthrie

I been doin' some hard travelin'. I thought you knowed. I been doin' some hard travelin', way down the road.
I been doin' some hard travelin', hard ramblin', hard gamblin'. I been doin' some hard travelin', Lord.

I been workin' in a hard rock tunnel. I thought you knowed. I been leanin' on a pressure drill, way down the road.
Hammer flyin', air hose suckin', six feet of mud, I sure been muckin', I been doin' some hard travelin', Lord.


I been workin' the Pittsburg steel. I thought you knowed. I been workin' that red-hot slag, way down the road.
I been a-blastin'. I been a-firin'. I been a-duckin' that red-hot fire. I been doin' some hard travelin', Lord.


Well, I've been hittin' that Lincoln highway. I thought you knowed. I been hittin' that sixty-six, way down the road.
Well, a heavy load and a worried mind, I a-lookin' for a woman that is hard to find. I been doin' some hard travelin', Lord.


7. Daydream Believer

Oh, I could hide 'neath the wings
Of the bluebird as she sings.
The six o'clock alarm would never ring,
But six rings and I rise;
Wipe the sleep out of my eyes.
My shavin' razor's cold and it stings.

Cheer up, Sleepy Jean.
Oh, what can it mean
To a daydream believer
And a homecoming queen?

You once thought of me
As a white knight on his steed.
Now you know how happy I can be.
Oh, and our good times start and end
Without dollar one to spend,
But how much, baby, do we really need?

Cheer up, Sleepy Jean.
Oh, what can it mean
To a daydream believer
And a homecoming queen?

Cheer up, Sleepy Jean.
Oh, what can it mean
To a daydream believer
And a homecoming queen?

Cheer up, Sleepy Jean.
Oh, what can it mean
To a daydream believer
And a homecoming queen?

Cheer up, Sleepy Jean.
Oh, what can it mean
To a daydream believer
And a homecoming queen?

8. El Matador

Jane Bowers/Irving Burgess

Aye, Torero, she is here. Aye, matador. I feel her eyes. They are wide with excitement and fear.
I feel her heart for it cries when the horns are too near.
I will bold, brave, and swift will I be and I will be numero uno, torero fino. She'll dream tonight of me.

Ole, ole, ole! (Paso!) Viva el matador! Ole, ole, ole! (Venga!) Viva el matador!

Aye, Torero, she is here. Aye, matador. I see her smile and I see there the reason she came.
Toro, come closer. Come here and I'll whisper her name.
You may be brave and as bold as you're black, but I will be numero uno, torero fino, toro come back.


Toro, aqui. Closer, closer, closer.

9. Gota Travel On

Paul Clayton

Done laid around, done stayed around this old town too long. Summer's almost gone. Winter's comin' on.
Done laid around, done stayed around this old town too long and I feel like I gotta travel on.

Papa writes to Johnny. Johnny can't come home. Johnny can't come home, no, Johnny can't come home.
Papa writes to Johnny. Johnny can't come home for he's been on the chain gang too long.

High sheriff and police comin' after me. Comin' after me, oh, comin' after me.
High sheriff and police comin' after me and I feel like I gotta travel on.


Want-a see my honey. Want-a see her bad. Want-a see her bad, oh, I want-a see her bad.
Want-a see my honey and I want-a see her bad. She's the best gal this poor boy ever had.


And I feel like I gotta travel, done laid around, done stayed around this old town too long.

10. Goin' Away For To Leave You

John Phillips

Well, I'm goin' away for to leave you. Might not come back any more (more, more)
If I never more see your face again, then it's honey on that far distant, distant shore. Honey on that far distant shore.

Well, now, I'm goin' down to New Orleans, just to ride on the river boat.
Gotta keep bailin' all night long just to keep the darn boat afloat.


Here is where I was born and raised, where the cold, cold North wind blows.
But I'm goin' back to old Tennessee where my good gal only knows.


Keep a light in your window. Keep it burnin' bright.
Someday I'm gonna come a-knockin' at your door. Baby, I'll treat you right.


11. You're Gonna Miss Me

Mike Seeger/Tom Paley/John Cohen/Dave Guard

Frankie and Johnnie were sweet hearts. They had a quarrel one day. Johnny vowed he would leave her.
He said he was going away. Never coming home. Goin' away to roam.

Frankie begged and she pleaded, "My love, Johnny, please stay. Now, oh, my honey, I've done you wrong but please don't go away."
Then Johnny sighed while Frankie cried.

"Oh, I'm a-going away. I'm a-goin' to stay. Never coming home. You're gonna miss me ,honey, in the days to come
When the winter winds begin to blow, the ground is covered up
And when you think of the way, you're gonna wish me back, your lovin' man,
You're gonna miss me, honey, in the day they say's to come."

Frankie done said to her Johnny, "Now man your hour done come." "Cause from behind her kimono she drew her forty-four gun.
"These love affairs are hard to bear!"
Johnny, he fled down the stairway. "My love, Frankie, don't shoot!" Frankie done aimed the forty-four
While the town went rooty-toot-toot. As Johnny fell, then Frankie yelled,


"Send for your rubber tired hearses. Send for your rubber tired hacks. Carry old Johnny to the graveyard, I've shot him in the back
With a great big gun as the preacher begun.
Send for some policeman to take me right away. Lock me down in the dungeon cell and throw the key away.
My Johnny's dead because he said.


12. O Ken Karanga

Massie Patterson/Lionel Belasco

O ken karanga, O ken karanga karanga, yea, yea, O ba ri bo, O ken karanga re.(Repeat)

O ken ka ri O ba ri bo, Hoh yeh (hoh yeh) Hoh yah (hoh yah) (Repeat)

Ee ba re ba ri be ma. Ee ba re ba ri be ma. Ee ba re ba ri be ma, yang gah!

13. A Worried Man

Dave Guard/Tom Glazer

It takes a worried man to sing a worried song. (Repeat twice)
I'm worried now but I won't be worried long.
Got myself a Cadillac, thirty dollars down. Got myself a brand new house five miles out of town.
Got myself a gal named Sue, treats me really fine. Yes, she's my baby and I love her all the time.


I've been away on a business trip, travelin' all around. I've got a gal and her name is Sue, prettiest gal in town.
She sets my mind to worryin' every time I'm gone. I'll be home tonight so I won't be worried long!


Well, Bobby's in the living room, holding hands with Sue. Nickie's at that big front door, 'bout to come on through.
Well, I'm here in the closet. Oh, Lord, what shall I do? We're worried now but we won't be worried long.


14. Hobo's Lullaby

Goebel Reeves

Go to sleep, you weary hobo. Watch the towns go drifting by. Can't you hear the rails a-singin'? That's the hobo's lullaby.

Don't you worry about tomorrow. Let tomorrows come and go.
Tonight you've got a nice, warm boxcar, free from all the wind and snow.


I know the police cause you trouble. They cause trouble everywhere,
But when you die and go to heaven, there'll be no policemen there.


Can't you hear the rails a-singin', ooh? That's the hobo's lullaby.

15. I'm going Home

Fred Geis

Well, no matter where I wandered I know I'll always find a welcome at the end of every journey.
There'll be friendly people waitin'.

California would not hold me 'though I loved her timbered mountains.
Worked her fields and worked her orchards up and down her central valley.

I have driven open highway through the golden Utah valley
And I watched the rivers gently gliding. I wave my hand to friendly people.


Folks who know me call me a drifter. They don't know I'll stop my ramblin'.
They don't know that someday somewhere somebody's gonna make me settle down.

I'm going home, Lord, I'm going home. (Repeat and then chorus twice)

I'm going home!

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